Perhaps the greatest benefit of Infinityy was the level of qualified leads we had touring after we implemented the platform.

Our team is comprised of talented individuals who are passionate about all things real estate, property technology, and innovation.
• CRO, Williot
• CRO,
• SVP, Zillow
• VP, Tableau
• Advisor, KryptonCloud
• CEO, Empirical Systems
• Advisor, Concord Systems, acquired by Akamai
• CEO, CREtech
• CEO, Beckerman PR
• CEO, of News Funnel
Perhaps the greatest benefit of Infinityy was the level of qualified leads we had touring after we implemented the platform.
Infinityy is a game changer.
Infinityy is amazing. We are closing deals in ways we never could before.
We increased our leasing velocity tremendously using Infinityy. We almost tripled our lease rate after one week of using this tool.
Our customer loves it.
Infinityy has us side-by-side in the decision process with all of our prospective tenants. We’ve had an incredible deal year with Infinityy and it’s only getting better.