Infinityy Featured in GlobeSt.’s Article, Survey: Virtual Touring Boosts CRE Revenue

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Large majority use or will use immersive, virtual, and augmented marketing approaches.

According to a recent survey by technology firm Resonai, 75% of commercial real estate professionals are using virtual tours and 90% will do so within the next two years. This rise in adoption is undoubtedly due to the technology’s role in increasing marketing and sales performance.

Infinityy’s digital, 3D platform brings the virtual touring experience to an entirely new level. The immersive capability of the platform is designed to meet the client wherever — and whenever — they are. Infinityy’s advanced technology allows participants to bypass scheduling a tour and jump right in to a room with 24/7 service.

Jim Schoonmaker, CEO and co-founder of Infinityy, tells Globe St, “Prospective tenants want to understand what it’s like to experience a space. For commercial real estate professionals, we have taken the leasing process one step further, enabling them to engage prospects instantly within a virtual experience.”

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